Biomechanics for Birth Online

An online course for midwives,and other birth professionals. It examines the biomechanics of the pelvis through labour, the physiology of birth, more effective diagnosis of malposition and techniques to help the pelvis and baby move into better positions for birth. The insights offered are especially powerful in cases of obstructed Labour but are also highly effective in helping most labouring women have a more comfortable and easier birth

Advanced Biomechanics Course

The advanced course is for anyone wishing to build a deeper understanding of the physiology of birth. It's the next step for practitioners interested in teaching, research or a deeper understanding of the birth process. The course is open to anyone who has attended a foundation course and has at least three examples of biomechanics in practice

Moving for an Easier Birth for parents online

This course teaches techniques that will help you to be more comfortable through pregancy and labour, They are invaluable in long and painful labours, demonstrating positions and movements to help make more space for baby that have been used successfully time after time both by the teacher and by hundreds of midwives she has trained in these techniques.

Biomechanics for Birth for midwives

A one day course for midwives,and other birth professionals combining online precourse work and a day of live training. It examines the biomechanics of the pelvis through labour, the physiology of birth, more effective diagnosis of mechanical labour dystocia and offers biomechanical techniques that help create space for the baby to navigate the journey more easily. The insights offered are especially powerful in cases of obstructed labour but are also highly effective in helping most labouring women have a more comfortable and easier birth